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  • puchalskaa172

Film Poster Analysis (semiotics)

The denotations of this poster largely imply that the film will be about the women centered in the middle of it and at the very front of the lineup of characters. Her body language is a kung fu pose which implies that there will aspects of fighting, specifically traditional Chinese martial arts. The character in green. Although at the very back of the line, is much bigger than the other two characters on the poster, it’s almost as big at the women at the front. This communicates that this character will also play a major role in this film. The gender is unclear as their face is covered and therefore leaves no room for interpretation. This adds a sense of mystery and could be implying that this character’s gender is up for interpretation or that they’re simply non-binary. Their body language shows confidence and that they hold a certain power within this movie. It’s often a pose villains can be seen doing when they conquer or achieve something. This suggests they may be the villain. Additionally, the mans in body language is harder to interpret since he’s not in a very significant pose. This could imply he's quite bland or even a side character. Since he’s smaller than the other two characters, it shows that his role is not as significant. Because he positioned behind ‘the main women’, this could be connoting that he’s in the back of her mind. Contrastingly, since he’s positioned at the front of the genderless villain, this could be connoting that he’s being controlled by them. The women in yellow is of the same size as the man too which could mean they are both side characters being

either at the back of the women’s mind, possibly following her, or being controlled by the green character at the back. The ages of these characters contrast the poses they’re in (martial arts) since its quite uncommon to see older people fighting. This adds a further sense of mystery and uncertainty.

The colours of these characters also have significant connotations which could be implying things about their roles, traits and personalities. The woman at the front is in all purple and pink. The colour purple has connotations to royalty, power and ambition. As well as mystery and magic. All these things imply that she really is the main character who this film is possibly based around. It shows she holds all the power but also that she’s mysterious and possibly magical in a way. Her pose which stereotypically goes against her age emphasises her mystery and possibly magic powers or strengths. The mans behind her is wearing a grey shirt which fades into the character behind him. This could imply that he is almost a part of that character and really being controlled by it like the pose suggests. The grey also makes him look dull and again like an insignificant background character. Although this could imply that he’s simply walked over and underestimated or overlooked by the other characters. The woman beside him is dressed in all yellow. This colour has connotations to happiness and optimism as well as danger, envy and betrayal. Since she’s an older woman, stereotypically, especially Is she’s dressed in all yellow, the audience could assume that she’s harmless. But since she is also in a position ready to fight, and has a mean facial expression, this could suggest that all these connotations of the colour yellow will be present within the film. Even though they’re contrasting. The character at the very back I dressed in all green which has connotations to rebirth and growth. It’s also widely associated with nature which implies this character could be the source of everything. Especially because of their body language and position. Since the main colour on this poster is red, the preferred reading that will first come to mind to the audience is that there is blood and violence involved as well as danger (which are all things red has connotations to). Although, since the red colour seems to be coming from smoke centred in the middle of the poster, an oppositional reading could be that the red represents birth and that the characters are coming out of a portal. This contrasts the ideas of violence is birth is raw and sacred as opposed to violent. Both readings do still imply blood and danger though since the characters are still ready to fight.

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